Why You Need an Agenda Slide for Yearbook Class

Yearbook editor stands in front of his team and goes through the class agenda.

An agenda slide is more than an organizational tool: it creates a method to maintain accountability in your yearbook class.

What Goes on an Agenda Slide?

You could write the items below on your whiteboard easy peasy. Many advisers told us they prefer to create their agenda digitally because it provides a record for administration and parents (hello, accreditation year). The following year, it simply needs basic edits to remain current. Give yourself bonus points if you adapt the slides to your yearbook theme and/or color scheme. 

Because a structured daily agenda slide helps your yearbook staff understand what to expect during the class or club session, we like to include these five things:

  1. Date and class information
  2. Learning objectives or goals for the day’s lesson
  3. Class agenda
  4. Deliverables
  5. Announcements and reminders

If your yearbook program is a club, and you do not need CTE or ELA standards, use a brief description of the yearbook club’s purpose or mission to keep activities aligned.

Use our bell ringers kick off your class.

Two Examples of Organization and Accountability

Obvious statement: the yearbook is a big project. By creating and posting an agenda, you can chunk the work to make it realistic. 

Project-based yearbook agenda focused on deadlines
Editors communicate progress while the class celebrates and mitigates. 

Example 1: Project-Based Agenda

The example above clearly identifies the learning objective and how they complement the broader yearbook project. The stand-up meeting includes deadline setting, content creation, and photo assignments. This method helps all editors and support staff see how their section contributes to the entire yearbook.

Schedule-based agenda for yearbook class
Yearbook club members maximize their time with focused periods of work.

Example 2: Time-Management Agenda

Many clubs meet twice a week, so chunking the work time helps the team know the purpose of their time together. That sounds simplistic, and we’ve seen strategies such as Deep Work or the Pomodoro Technique highlight short periods of focus to yield more valuable results. Less is more. Reserved space on the agenda slide also informs about upcoming deadlines, events, and opportunities.

If your campus or district requires documentation, a deck of yearbook agenda slides complements your curriculum map. It ensures both your production and learning outcomes align. (True story: administrators love them.) They also simplify preparing for sub plans and absent students’ catch-up bins: students come to expect your established routine. 

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