10 People To Thank

elementary school boy shouting thank you into a megaphone

‘Tis the season to show appreciation. A quick internet search nails myriad resources outlining how regularly expressing thanks can positively impact one’s mental health and overall well-being. That’s why we created the yearbook thank you shortlist. 

Below are ten people to thank who may have made a significant impact on the yearbook students’ productivity:

  1. Custodial and maintenance team: Appreciate the custodial and maintenance team for their hard work maintaining a clean and functional school space, which creates a conducive environment for creativity and collaboration. 
  1. Administrative staff: Extend thanks to the administrative staff for their behind-the-scenes efforts in answering all the, “Did I buy a yearbook?” calls while serving as a veritable who’s who for campus activities. Seriously, every campus has that one seasoned staff member who knows all the kids’ names and helps you proof the yearbook, and chances are she’s running point in the front office.
  1. Teachers: Thank teachers and instructors who opened their doors for yearbook interviews and shared photos of their classroom happenings. They’re the yearbook heroes who pitch their upcoming projects and presentations as photo opportunities, and they use the Treering App to upload great pictures from their field trips.
  1. School librarians and media specialists: Thank the school librarian for their assistance in research, providing valuable resources, and supporting the yearbook team in gathering information and materials, including tech tools.
  1. Principal and assistant principals: Express gratitude to the admin team for their leadership, support, and commitment to fostering an environment where creative projects like the yearbook can thrive. (Bonus points if the principal and/or AP also ensure the yearbook photographers get good angles for snapping action shots during fun school events.)
  1. Cafeteria staff: Thank the cafeteria staff for their role in keeping students well-nourished and providing energy and sustenance during busy yearbook project periods.
This note from the Polaris staff shows a little thank you goes a long way.
  1. Parents and guardians: Extend thanks to those who bought their book by the deadline for supporting history-in-the-making with the yearbook, that mom with the nice DSLR camera who is at all the events taking great pictures, and the parents who added 30 extra custom pages making their childrens’ books double the size!
  1. Anyone who responded to a crowdsourcing request: Express thanks to the contributors for their valuable insights, diverse perspectives, and the depth they brought to the yearbook.
  1. Student body: Express thanks to the entire student body for their active participation, cooperation, and enthusiasm, making the yearbook a true representation of the collective experiences and memories of the school year. (We’re talking to you, middle schooler, who think it so “cringy” when your mom is on campus taking pictures for the yearbook that you won’t even wave at her. You’ll thank us later.)
  1. Yearbook publisher: Acknowledge the service, printing, and production teams for their hard work in bringing digital designs to life, ensuring your school’s yearbooks are of the highest quality.

To demonstrate gratitude, your yearbook team can write a card, decorate a gratitude wall in the hallway, or sponsor a lunch or coffee hour.

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